Invitation - Gwahoddiad i Gyngerdd i'r Cymry Byd Eang a'n Ffrindiau

A special concert and evening for the Worldwide Welsh and our friends

Noswaith dda/ Good Evening,

Ar ran Cymru a'r Byd a'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, hoffwn estyn gwahoddiad i chi i gyngerdd ar-lein Nos Fawrth nesaf y 15fed o Ragfyr am 20:00 (GMT) Bydd y gyngerdd yn gyfle i'r Cymry Byd Eang a'n ffrindiau i ddod ynghyd i fwynhau perfformiadau gan gantorion o Gymru, a bydd cyfle hefyd i fwynhau sesiwn cwestiwn ac ateb byw a dwyieithog gyda Betsan Moses, Prifweithredwr yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol. Bydd y sesiwn holi ac ateb yn ddwyieithog er mwyn sicrhau bod modd i bawb o bob cwr o'r byd, i fwynhau'r arlwy.

Gobeithio'n fawr y bydd modd i chi ymuno gyda ni ar y noson a cofiwch eich mins pei a'r gwin cynnes, os ydy'n amser addas o'r dydd wrth gwrs!


On behalf of Wales International and the National Eisteddfod, I would like to invite you to a special concert and evening for the Worldwide Welsh and our friends. This event will take place online on Zoom next Tuesday the 15th of December at 20:00 (GMT). We hope this will be an opportunity for us to come together to enjoy some Welsh music and we will also host a live Q&A with Betsan Moses, Chief Executive of the National Eisteddfod. This Q&A will be bilingual thanks to technology organised by the Eisteddfod, and this will be free and easy to use on the night, we will explain it all then for you!

If you wish to join the event, please email to receive link details. The poster has details of the performers.

We hope to see you there, don't forget your mince piers and mulled wine, if it's a suitable time if day for such sweet treats!

Diolch yn fawr,

Heulwen Davies

Cyfarwyddwr/Director | Llais Cymru

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Welsh Society of Western Australia