Annual General Meeting - 2016

7.30pm Wednesday, 20th April 2016
I urge as many members as possible to attend to ensure that we have a Quorum. If we don’t have a Quorum, the meeting will be postponed until Wednesday,May 18 th. If unable to attend, you may give your Proxy vote to someone who will be attending, so that they can vote on your behalf. The Proxy needs to be in writing, naming the person you wish to vote on your behalf. You may do this via email.
As all positions of office holders and the Committee are declared vacant at the AGM, I look forward to receiving nominations for positions as office holders and on the Committee. The current Committee has been in place for at least two years and we would welcome people with enthusiasm and ideas.
I would also welcome ideas for future evnts for the Society from members, Including St David’s Day celebrations, to be discussed at the AGM.
Hugh Bevan