Welsh Society AGM & Lunch
Saturday 22 May 2021, 12.00pm, Herdsman Lake Tavern

The Welsh Society of WA will hold its Annual General Meeting at 12.00pm on Saturday 22nd May 2021, followed by lunch at 1.15pm, at The Herdsman Lake Tavern, (The Herdy), 33 Herdsman Parade, Wembley, 6014.
The 2 course lunch, mains and dessert, and tea/coffee, is $25.00 for members and $35.00 for non-members. Booking, meal selections, and payment details for the lunch needs to be given to Eluned by 8th May. Ph: 9402 1628, or email hebevan@aapt.net.au
People can attend the AGM without staying for lunch, and those wishing to purchase lunch without booking, or have not paid by 8th May will need to pay the full cost directly to the venue on the day. The 2 course lunch (without tea/coffee) is $33.00.