March 09 Newsletter

This is the first Newsletter for 2009. Grateful thanks are due to James Woolcock for keeping the newsletter running for us up to this time. Apart from Welsh Society news items we are looking for fresh ideas, interesting news from members, items of news from Wales. Welsh recipes would be welcome and a few good Welsh jokes! So contributions from you, the members, will help make our newsletter informative and fun. If you have any news for me or interesting items, please contact me or any Committee member.
Acting Editor - Fay Hall. Tel: 9446 5738
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING -- Wednesday 15t" April 2009.
This is your opportunity to vote in your Committee for 2009/10.
Nomination forms will be available and can be handed in on 15th April before the start of the A.G.M., at the latest.
Our membership subscriptions are due on 1st January each year so
now is the time to renew your membership. Details are:-
$10 single retired
$12 couple retired
$15 single working
$25 working couple
The Treorchy Male Voice Choir is celebrating 125 years of music making! They will perform at the Perth Concert Hall on Sunday 24th May, and in Mandurah on the previous evening. Bookings ROCS - contact 9484 1133 or through Discounts are available for groups of six or more and `B' Reserve seats cost $66 each.
ST. DAVID'S DAY DINNER - Sunday 1St March 2009.
More than eighty members and friends attended this function at the A. F.A. Club, Wings Restaurant, R.A.A.F. Association, Bullcreek.
Special thanks to our soloists Margaret Edwards and Margaret Hugh, Hugh Bevan, our intrepid MC, and Canon Watts and Bob Kuchera for their amusing talks, and Mel for the Toast to Dewi Sant.
Congratulations to Odwyn for this beautiful poem entitled "Where I came to be
me". Odwyn also won the short story prize.
A stony farmyard with an orchard fenced in,
Was the scene to be seen from the door
In the front of the house with a flagstone floor,
Where I came to be me in the land of the free.
Life was simple and hard on soil that was thin,
Where rarely trod trails led through fields and stiles
To places far distant along lonely miles,
Past farmlets with Welsh names like Pen-y-bryn.
There, rabbits with paper thin ears would stop, stare and spin,
Then dart in a flash into burrows in hedgerows
Past earth mounds of moles from underground furrows,
And short-horns chewing their cud in lush fields.
This warm world of welshness was far from the din
Of the pits and steelworks down in the south,
Where shift work and money attracted the youth -
To towns with strange sounds and blackened surrounds.
This will be available at each meeting. Has anyone got any more books,
magazines etc. on Welsh matters they would like to add to our collection?
Mel Davies O.A.M.
Congratulations to Mel Davies who has been awarded the Order of Australia Medal for service to the community in the fields of mining history and veterans' cycling.
Several of our members are recipients of this prestigious Award, and this is a measure of the quality of service rendered to the community by the Welsh Community in Western Australia.
Sylvia Williams.
President Sylvia Williams is making good progress after her knee surgery and we are looking forward to her return later this year.
Tom Edwards.
The Kalamunda Bush Fire Brigade has honoured Tom with Life Membership for his exceptional service as logistical support officer for five years. He also holds other awards from FESA for his outstanding contribution towards fire fighting.
Brian Walley.
Did you see the article in "The West Australian" , January17th this year about his involvement with the RAF ex POW Association? We have a copy if you would like to see it.
Shwmae bawb!
Some of you may remember that I visited the Welsh Society in Perth last year before moving to Cardiff to study at the university. I recently came across a great website for learning to speak Welsh - a free course that has you speaking in no time! The link is and they give a Northern and a Southern version.
I hope the St Davids Day function went well. I enjoyed the carnival atmosphere in Cardiff and I never imagined the springtime here would be so beautiful. I love walking through the park, listening to the birds singing and looking at all the blossom-laden trees.
Pob hwyl, Debra