Welsh Language Research

I recently received the following email:
The Cardiff University Welsh for Adults Centre has been teaching the Welsh language, one of Europe’s oldest written languages, for over 30 years. Interest in the Welsh language is on the increase, with more and more people wanting to learn every year. Cardiff University’s Welsh for Adults Centre now wishes to provide the opportunity to learn Welsh to people in more countries.
Strategic Marketing, an independent market research company, is working with Cardiff University to assess the potential demand for an online Welsh language course, and how that course should be structured in order to meet the needs of interested learners.
Your society has contact with people who potentially have a reason to want to learn Welsh. We have set up a link to a short online survey and we would be very grateful if you could assist us by making this link available to your members/contacts. A number of similar societies in various countries around the world have expressed their support to do this.
Respondents to the survey will be entered into a prize draw to win a place on Cardiff University's 2012 Welsh summer course, including accommodation.
We would very much appreciate your support as it will allow us to determine whether there is sufficient demand outside of Wales for an online Welsh course (we stress that we are not selling anything but are conducting research).
We will be in touch again shortly to discuss next steps.
Many thanks
Anthony Lydall
Strategic Marketing
Tel: +44 (0)29 2025 2132