May 2014 Newsletter

Dear Members,
The AGM was held on Wednesday, April 16th in the hall of The Noranda Uniting Church, 79 Camboon Road, Noranda. The new Committee is:
President: Hugh Bevan Vice President:
Secretary: Bryce Henley Treasurer: Barbara Fowler
Committee: Olwen Henley Committee: Delys Griffiths
Committee: Eluned Bevan (Newsletter and Enfys correspondent)
Pat Price was elected Vice President but has since resigned from the Committee. Nominations are now sought for the position of Vice President, to be elected at our next Society meeting on 21st May, 2014.
The committee would like to thank Pat and Terry Price for their work on the committee over a number of years, and Pat in particular, for her service as President in recent years.
At the AGM, members voted to hold future meetings in the Hall of the Noranda Uniting Church on the third Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm. Hopefully this return to Wednesday evening meetings will enable those who have other commitments on Monday nights, to attend. Members who were present at the AGM agreed that it was a pleasant venue – considerably larger than previous venues, with no need to share with other groups, allowing for greater flexibility in our choice of activities. We hope that having a more suitable venue to hold our meetings will bring more stability to the Society and encourage members to attend regularly. Hugh Bevan
Monthly Meeting Activities.
21st MAY – Quiz night
18th JUNE – Noson Lawen
16th JULY – Guest speaker
20th AUGUST- Welsh Supper
17th SEPTEMBER – Guest Speaker
15th OCTOBER– Slides/Photo Night
19th NOVEMBER – Bushman’s Poetry
17th DECEMBER – Christmas Party
Daytime Outings/Activities
During the course of the coming year, the committee hopes to organise a few daytime outings or activities. Hopefully, this will help us keep in touch with our members who are unable to attend our monthly evenings and perhaps encourage family members and friends to attend. This is not a new concept for the Society – we can all recall the TAFE lunches and bus trips! If you have ideas of where to visit etc. let us know at the May meeting.
Noson Lawen 18th June
We are looking for members who are willing to provide an item (or two) for our Noson Lawen. Items can take on any form – including singing, reciting, reading story/poetry, dancing, skits, jokes, etc. which have a touch of Welsh flavour. So please give this some thought so that we can share in an enjoyable evening!
Learning to speak Welsh??
A few people have indicated that they would like to learn to speak Welsh, so each newsletter will include some frequently used words/phrases for you to practise at home. We will need a few Welsh speaking mentors to be on hand for the learners to practise during the first five minutes of our meetings. The idea is that we make learning enjoyable, informal and part of our Society. I shall discuss this further at our May meeting. In the meantime, here are some greetings for you to have a go at:
Bore da – good morning prynhawn da – good afternoon noswaith dda – good evening Nos da – good night os gwelwch yn dda – please diolch – thankyou ia/ie- yes
For those with access to the internet, there are numerous free websites offering Welsh lessons. One good one is: Learn Welsh for free – surface languages. It offers audio as well as visual. Lun B
Congratulation to the following Literary Winners
The Limerick -Diana Thompson Poetry - Odwyn Jones for his poem “Jerusalem”
Short story - Brian Walley for his story “From Wales to Australia”
These were read out at our April meeting.
Time for a laugh to keep us young!
A friend hosted a dinner party for friends and their children. During dinner, my friend’s four year old daughter, sitting opposite me, stared at me continuously. She could barely eat her food for staring. I checked my blouse for spots, felt my face for food, patted my hair in place but nothing stopped her from staring at me. I tried hard to ignore her but finally it was too much for me. I finally asked,
“Why are you staring at me?” The table went quiet waiting for her response. The little girl said,
“I’m just waiting to see how you drink like a fish!” (Be careful what you say in front of children)
News from Wales
Soccer –Good News- Swansea survive in the Premier league! Bad News –Cardiff is relegated from the Premiere League to the Championship League. Both clubs have struggled this season and both have changed Managers. Let’s hope they do better next season
Rugby – Wales tour South Africa in June, playing two Test matches against the Springboks – on the 14th and the 21st. Let’s hope the Welsh Wizards can overcome the strong Springboks!
See you next week on Wednesday 23rd for our Quiz Night.