Bus trip to Araluen Gardens

Hello Everyone,
Following conversations with members at the 21 June meeting and at the Lunch at Stringybark Winery Saturday 8 July, we have tentatively booked a 24 seater bus trip to Araluen with "Club 55" for Monday 18 September. A Monday was the day given to me as being the most favourable day to go on a trip, although this does not fit in with some people's schedule and I apologise to them. Saturdays were also considered but Club 55 did not recommend the weekend as the gardens are very busy due to the large number of people visiting on Saturdays and Sundays during the tulip season. The cost of the trip is also higher on weekends.
Brief details are 9.30am, leave for Araluen Botanical Garden for the annual Tulip Festival. On arrival Morning Tea before free time to explore the gardens and display of tulips and other wildflowers, there is also a train doing circuits of the park for a gold coin donation. This is followed by a 2 course lunch at the 101 Restaurant at the Araluen Country Estate. after lunch wine tasting at Jadran wines, and home by 3.30pm.
The cost is $72 per person for pick up and drop off at (They suggested Dianella Library, saying there is free parking there, but we have to check this out) and at Bull Creek (probably at the RAAF Centre) for those living south of the river. Pick up and drop off times at Bull Creek to be advised later.
The Welsh Society will subsidise part of the cost for Paid up and Life members, who will be asked to pay approximately $40, although the exact figure has not yet been determined by the committee. Non-members will pay $72.
At the Lunch last Saturday 20 people indicated they are willing to do the trip on a Monday, if they all commit to this trip there will be room for an additional 4 people. We need a minimum of 15 people for the trip, and we must confirm the trip with Club 55 by next Wednesday 19 July.
Please send your response to me as soon as possible, but not later than next Tuesday 18 July, either by email or phone (9402 1628) with the number of people and names of those you wish to book for. You are welcome to bring family and friends, but members who have indicated their availability will get first preference, and as stated we need a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 24.
Payment details will be advised at a later date.
Regards to you all,