We have now decided on a venue for the Society's St. David's Day celebration, and have booked Lunch at The Old Fig Tree restaurant, 55 Benara Rd, Caversham, in the Swan Valley at 12.00 pm on Saturday 24th February. We will be seated in their newly renovated 'Valencia Room' which has a pleasant ambience and effective air-conditioning! It will be a set menu, with Roast Lamb and baby vegetables as the main course, and a choice of entree and dessert. The cost of the meal is $45 per person. Drinks are additional, which you can order and pay for individually. The cost of the meal for paid up members will be $25,with the Welsh Society paying $20. Non-financial members and nonmembers will pay the full amount of $45. We need to have a minimum of 20 people attending.
It would be appreciated if you would advise Hugh Bevan ASAP if you will be attending, with names and numbers, by phone or email so that we know whether it is feasible to hold the lunch.
It would make it easier all round if you could pay for the meal in advance, either by sending a cheque, made out to The Welsh Society of WA, to Hugh at 5 Redfern Close, Hillarys, 6025, or by paying directly into the Society's bank account (contact Hugh for details). As a last resort you can pay on the day, however we want to avoid the situation where places have been booked, payment not made, and cancellations made at the last moment resulting in the Society paying for meals for those not turning up. Final figures must be made to the restaurant by Tuesday 20th February, cancellations after that date will need to be paid for
February 1st is the start of The Society's financial year, so fees of $25 per person are now due. If you wish to take advantage of the reduced cost of the meal for paid up members, pay $50 for the meal and your annual membership.
Last year paid up members received extremely good value for their $25 membership fee, receiving subsidised costs for the Christmas in July lunch, the Araluen trip, and the free Christmas lunch. More subsidised events will be held during this year.
If you have any queries please contact Hugh on 94021628 or email here.