Mrs. Sylvia Williams
Former President and Life Member

It is with great sadness that the Society advises the passing of one of our longest serving members, Mrs. Sylvia Williams. Sylvia and her husband John and family arrived in Western Australia in July 1966, and almost immediately immersed themselves in community and Welsh diaspora activities.
Sylvia was President of The Welsh Society of WA for a number of years and later was made a Life Member in appreciation of her contribution over a long period of time. She was a valued member and contributor to the Society's activities until failing health restricted her attendance.
Sylvia supported her husband John who became a member of WA's Legislative Assembly representing the Metropolitan Province, and was the first Welsh speaking member of the WA Parliament. He was also elected President of The Welsh Free Church, and presided over the Church's annual Gymanfa Ganu (Singing Festival). Sylvia was a regular attendee of the Church until her health deteriorated.
Following is a tribute to Sylvia by Odwyn Jones, also a former President of The Welsh Society:
The Sylvia I Knew
She loved life, but life
Wasn't always kind to her,
A proud Australian,
Who never forgot her roots,
Deep in Welsh speaking vales
Of North Wales.
She gave of herself freely
To The Welsh Free Church,
And Welsh Society; and her sweet voice
Will be missed at the Gymanfa Ganu.
Her legacies are many;
Warm memories of fun
And laughter, even when in pain.
The Sylvia I knew
Will be sorely missed.
She lived her faith,
And gave us so much of her love.
Gorwedd mewn Hedd a Phob Bendith Cariad.