Welsh Society of WA future events

Saturday 17 July 2021 'Christmas in July' lunch, Stringy Bark Winery, Chittering, 12.00 pm for a 12.30pm start. $30.00 for members, $40.00 for non-members.
Saturday 18 August 2021 Social get-together, Scarborough Uniting Church hall, 121 Northstead St,Scarborough, 2.00 pm. Bring a plate, tea and coffee provided. Display of hobbies, collections, photographs etc.
Sunday 22 August 2021 (Welsh Free Church) Gymanfa Ganu or Hymn Singing Festival. Trinity Church, 72 St George's Tce, Perth WA 6000, 2.30 pm. Featuring the Perth Male Voice Choir. Free entry and everyone welcome. A free will offering will be taken with proceeds going to the UCIC 'Homeless people of Perth' project
Saturday 25 September 2021 Brunch, Secret Garden Cafe, 64 Angelo St, South Perth, 11.00 am. Late breakfast, morning cuppa, or lunch, and a chat
Saturday 30 October 2021 Bus tour of the Swan Valley, visiting some local attractions and sampling their produce.
Saturday 21 November 2021 Social get-together at the Duke Bar and Bistro, Carramar WA, from 12.00 pm onwards. Call in for a drink or lunch and a chat.
Saturday 11 December 2021 Christmas Party / Lunch, uniting Church hall, 121 Northstead St, Scarborough.
For further information contact hughbevan@wawelshsociety.org.au or phone (08) 9402 1628