Welsh Free Church Carol Service
Sunday 20th December 2020

The Welsh Free Church of WA will hold a Carol Service on Sunday 20th December 2020 at Trinity Church, 72 St. Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 at 3.00pm. Everyone welcome.
The Welsh Free Church of WA will hold a Carol Service on Sunday 20th December 2020 at Trinity Church, 72 St. Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 at 3.00pm. Everyone welcome.
Noswaith dda/ Good Evening,
Ar ran Cymru a'r Byd a'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, hoffwn estyn gwahoddiad i chi i gyngerdd ar-lein Nos Fawrth nesaf y 15fed o Ragfyr am 20:00 (GMT) Bydd y gyngerdd yn gyfle i'r Cymry Byd Eang a'n ffrindiau i ddod ynghyd i fwynhau perfformiadau gan gantorion o Gymru, a bydd cyfle hefyd i fwynhau sesiwn cwestiwn ac ateb byw a dwyieithog gyda Betsan Moses, Prifweithredwr yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol. Bydd y sesiwn holi ac ateb yn ddwyieithog er mwyn sicrhau bod modd i bawb o bob cwr o'r byd, i fwynhau'r arlwy.
Gobeithio'n fawr y bydd modd i chi ymuno gyda ni ar y noson a cofiwch eich mins pei a'r gwin cynnes, os ydy'n amser addas o'r dydd wrth gwrs!
On behalf of Wales International and the National Eisteddfod, I would like to invite you to a special concert and evening for the Worldwide Welsh and our friends. This event will take place online on Zoom next Tuesday the 15th of December at 20:00 (GMT). We hope this will be an opportunity for us to come together to enjoy some Welsh music and we will also host a live Q&A with Betsan Moses, Chief Executive of the National Eisteddfod. This Q&A will be bilingual thanks to technology organised by the Eisteddfod, and this will be free and easy to use on the night, we will explain it all then for you!
If you wish to join the event, please email marketing@walesinternational.cymru to receive link details. The poster has details of the performers.
We hope to see you there, don't forget your mince piers and mulled wine, if it's a suitable time if day for such sweet treats!
Diolch yn fawr,
Heulwen Davies
Cyfarwyddwr/Director | Llais Cymru
The November 2020 newsletter can be found here. It contains information about this year's Noson Lawen. It also has information on coming events, including the Christmas Party Lunch, as well as news from Wales and Welsh Free Church services.
Lowri Steffan, Pennaeth Cyswlt Artistiaid, Head of Artist Liason, of HAKA Entertainment, Aberystwyth, Wales, provided the following:
Two nights of live Welsh concerts streaming live Friday 20th and Saturday 21st November 2020, and are available to anyone world-wide. Tickets must be purchased in advance from https://www.aberystwythartscentre.co.uk/whats-on-all
If you want to see and hear the amazing Welsh tenor Rhys Meirion singing with acclaimed American musician Mo Pleasure (of Earth Wind and Fire, Bette Midler, Janet Jackson - to name but a few!) grab your tickets now.
The agency - HAKA Entertainment https://hakaentertainment.co.uk/ is based in Aberystwyth in west Wales and represent over 100 of Wales' - and the world's most dynamic and exciting talent. So if HAKA can be of any assistance to anyone organising an event or need some authentic musical talent please get in touch.
Email: lowri@hakaentertainment.co.uk Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hakaentertain/?epa=SEARCH BOX
The Welsh Society of WA will hold its Christmas Party Lunch at Scarborough Uniting Church Hall, 121 Northstead St (corner Moorland St) Scarborough WA 6019 on Saturday 5th December at 12.00pm for a 12.30pm start.
This will be a two course buffet meal, with a choice of dessert. BYO beer, wine, soft drinks, and drinking glasses. Free tea / coffee. Cost of the lunch is $25 for members, $35 for non-members, and $12.50 for children under 12.
Santa's Gift - bring along a gift up to the value of $10 for Santa to distribute to those attending the lunch. for ease of distribution, please bring a gift suitable for either male or female.
Hamper for the needy - Please bring along a non-perishable item so that we can donate a hamper to those in need at Christmas time.
Silent Auction - Over the years, the Society has been given various paintings, clothing, books, etc. relating to Wales, either from members or from the general public. These items will be on display at the Christmas lunch, and you will be able to bid for them by means of a silent auction on the day. Monies raised will go to the Society.
Anyone wishing to attend please contact Hugh at hughbevan@wawelshsociety.org.au or phone 9402 1628. Payment is required by Wednesday 25th November 2020
October 10th 2020, Saturday, Noson Lawen and afternoon tea, 2.00pm at Scarborough Uniting Church, 121 Northstead St, Scarborough, WA 6019. Free event.
December 5th 2020, Saturday, Christmas Party Lunch, 12.00 for 12.30pm start, Scarborough Uniting Church, 121 Northstead St, Scarborough, WA 6019. Members $25.00, Non-members $35.00.
January 16th 2021, Saturday, Coffee Morning, 10.00am, at Secret Garden Cafe, 64 Angelo St, South Perth, WA 6151. At own expense.
February 7th 2021, Sunday, Picnic / BBQ from 10.00am, at Whiteman Park Mussel Pool, Shelter P2, entry off Drumpellier Drive or Beechboro Rd, Whiteman WA 6068. BYO everything. Shelter P2 is near the children's playground.
February 28th 2021, Sunday, St David's day celebration lunch, 1.30pm at Western Australian Golf Club, 60 Hayes Ave, Yokine, WA, 6060. More details later.