A Concert with Perth Male Voice Choir, Sydney Male Voice Choir and Australian Welsh Male Voice Choir

A joint concert with Perth Male Voice Choir, Sydney Male Voice Choir and the Australian Welsh Male Voice Choir will be held at 3.00pm on Sunday 25th September 2022 at the Concert Hall, Churchlands Senior High School, 20 Lucca Street, Churchlands, WA.

Cost $35.00 or $35.00 concession. Book at www.trybooking.com

For more information email perthmalevoicechoir@gmail.com


By Dr. Neil L. Thomas

General News

Dr. Neil L Thomas recently completed a manuscript "King Arthur Lives" six gigabytes, hundred pages, which has a back cover blurb:-


Get to know the life and times of the real and famous King Arthur. Born in north Wales about AD 460, he was the son of King Uther and Queen Igerna. King Arthur led British forces to twelve victories between AD480 and 495, defeating Britain's many foes seeking booty, slaves and territory. The Dream of Rhonabwy story tells how King Arthur and his alter ego Owein played a board game gwyddbwyll during a battle. The Dream is  symbolic description of fighting; five British legions defeated the Saxons at the battle of Gorwynnion in AD 495. A generation later, King Arthur's Christian forces defeated pagan Saxons led by Osla Big-knife at the Battle of Cerdicesford in AD 519. The same year, King Arthur's last engagement at the Battle  of Camlan was fought against the notorious rebel Prince Medraut; both leaders died. The most likely place of Arthur's internment is near Shrewsbury, Shropshire. The Arthurian Age ended following the eruption of an Indonesian volcano in AD 535 which marked the beginning of Britain's Dark Ages that lasted more than three centuries.

Dr. Thomas would welcome the opportunity to discuss the book contents and hopefully be given a supportive comment or two. It is the author's intention to upload the manuscript to the Net.. Contact the author by email: bigrox33@bigpond.com    

Welsh Free Church of WA Gymanfa Ganu / Hymn Singing Festival

Featuring the Perth Male Voice Choir

The Welsh Free Church of Western Australia and the Perth Male Voice Choir invite you to a Gymanfa Ganu / Hymn Singing Festival at 2.00pm on Sunday, 28th August 2022, at Trinity Church, 72 St George's Terrace, Perth, WA, 6000, in support of the Uniting Church's Homeless Projects.

Free entry, and refreshments afterwards. This event is in support of the Uniting Church's Homeless Projects.

President Welsh Free Church: Milly Farrier-Brookes. Musical Director: Simone Bishop. Organist: Diane Gill. Choir Accompanist: Andrew Angel.

For further information phone 9386 2086 or 9381 5931 or email: here.

Vale Tony Hall

General News

Sadly Tony Hall, a long-time member of the Welsh Society of WA , passed away on Saturday, 21st May, after an illness. Tony contributed greatly to the Welsh Society, and was a  Committee Member and Treasurer for many years. Condolences to Fay and their family.

Congratulations Brian Walley 100 years.

General News

Congratulations to Brian Walley who celebrated his 100th birthday on July 2nd 2022. Brian is a long-time member of the Welsh Society and a keen writer. Brian is the author of "Sole Survivor: A life on Borrowed Time" which recounts his life from his early years in Cheshire, bomber pilot in the RAF, prisoner of war, farming in Anglesey, migration to Australia, farming and prospecting in Australia, and retirement. Brian's war years are recounted in the book "Silk and Barbed Wire" which he also edited. Sadly Brian lost Mair, his wife of 76 years, recently, and who hailed from Anglesey. Brian and Mair's contribution to the Welsh Society is greatly valued.

Welsh Society of Western Australia upcoming events

General News

July 16 2022 "Christmas in July" lunch at the Greenwood Hotel, 349 Warwick Rd, Greenwood, WA 6024 at 12.00pm. Two course lunch including Roast Turkey and Christmas Pudding plus other menu choices. Contact Hugh Bevan email here.

September 17 2022 Noson Lawen, at the Uniting Church Hall, 121 Northstead St Scarborough, WA 6019, at 2.00pm, including afternoon tea with Welsh cakes and bara brith.

November 2022, a pub get-together, details to be advised later.

December 3 2022 Christmas lunch at the Uniting Church Hall, 121 Northstead St Scarborough, WA 6019 at 12.00pm. Father Christmas, Christmas carols, and crackers.

February 25 2023 St David's celebration, details later.

April 16 2023 Picnic / BBQ at Shelter P2, Mussel Pool, Whiteman Park, WA 6068 from 10.00am.